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Phone Number
Property Location (Address):
Available Units (if applicable): How many units are available for rent?
Rent Price Range: What is the rent for each unit?
Utilities Included: Which utilities (water, gas, electricity, internet, etc.) are included in the rent, if any?
Pet Policy: Allowed / Not allowed Additional deposit required? (If yes, amount)
Security Deposit: Amount required for security deposit
Accessibility Features: Does the property have accommodations for tenants with disabilities? (yes/no, specify if applicable)
Application Process: What is the process for tenants to apply for the rental? (e.g., credit check, background check, references)
Availability Date: When is the unit available for move-in?
Additional Comments
Preferred Location(s): What areas or neighborhoods are you interested in?
Preferred Rent Range: What is your budget for rent per month?
Move-in Date: When are you looking to move in?
Lease Term Preference: Month-to-month Fixed-term lease (if so, preferred length?)
landlords amount) are
Pet Requirements: Do you have pets? (If so, describe them)
Number of People Living in the Unit: How many adults and children (if any) will be residing with you?
Income and Employment Status: Do you have stable employment or other means of income?
References: Can you provide references from previous landlords or employers?
Specific Property Features Needed: Do you have any specific needs (e.g., parking, laundry, accessibility)?
Are you willing to undergo a credit check? Yes No